Why Me?

• Current Vice Chair
• Former Treasurer
• Strong support
The first question people usually ask is, “Are you a Republican?” I registered to vote as a Republican in 2019, shortly after I moved to Lake County, Florida. Before that, I always voted Republican, because I knew that the actions of Democrats always produced negative incentives and negative results. Because of my demonstrated activism during 2020, I was elected to a two year term as Treasurer of the Lake County Republican Party in December 2020. In 2022, I was elected as First Vice Chair. I have at least 75% support from the current membership of the Lake County Republican Executive Committee. Support from the membership of Lake County Republican Clubs is also strong. I expect a formal endorsement from the Lake County Republican Party at the June monthly meeting. Republican clubs chartered by the Republican Party of Florida support me, but are prohibited from endorsing in Primary Elections.

• AAS Accounting
• BA Information Systems
• CPA Training
• JD (Juris Doctor – Law)
My education background is an asset to me for this position. Law degree and CPA training are both related to seeking evidence and determining a conclusion. I believe our election systems have problems, and objective analysis of unbiased evidence will lead to better solutions. Education in computer systems gives me a much better understanding of computer operations (especially programming, in which I have experience), but also in networks and computer security.

• Mechanic
• Construction
• Family owned multinational conglomerate
• Citizen lobbyist
• Election Integrity Action
I began working when I was in High School. I have experience as a car mechanic and a construction worker. I have never been afraid to get my hands dirty or do hard work. My experience in construction began as a laborer, working my way up to Carpenter Foreman and Site Supervisor, and finally as Estimator and Project Manager.
But, my most valuable experience was gained working in our family business. This started as a very small one person operation, importing orchids from Thailand. From this very humble beginning, under my leadership, we built a complex organization with sales of $5,000,000.00 per year in less than 10 years. The enterprise included an orchid farm, a freight forwarding company, a tissue culture lab, a flower processing factory and chemical imports in Thailand; as well as import and sales, plus delivery and long haul trucking in the US. In all, we had 4 locations in Thailand with a total of more than 75 employees, and 3 locations in the US, employing more than a dozen people.
Working in the family business gave me practical experience in many areas: Coaching staff, developing operational procedures, general management and supervision, marketing, problem solving, IT security. This experience can be translated into leadership and administration of the Supervisor of Elections office.
During the past 3 years, I have been reviewing election law and the evaluation of election fraud across the country. This gives me a good foundation to understand where security issues may lie, and also why election law has been drifting towards less secure elections for the past several decades. With the intent to evaluate and improve election accuracy and legislation, I engaged in two unique actions: First, in October 2021, I printed 50,000 postcards and distributed them to Floridians around the state to mail to Tallahassee requesting review of the 2020 Presidential election; Secondly, In January 2022, I arranged an Election Integrity Rally in the plaza between the New and Old Capitol buildings in Tallahassee with several speakers. In conjunction with these two actions, I personally and individually lobbied State Legislators, the Secretary of State’s office and the Governor’s office on election integrity issues, in particular, some of the problems with state voter registration rolls.

• Lake County Republican Party
• Mike Lindell
• Republican Liberty Caucus
• Florida Republican Assembly
• Trump Club of The Villages
• Drain the Swamp PAC
• Cathi Chamberlain
• Anthony Sabatini
• Laura Loomer
• Pinellas Watchdogs
• Dr. Douglas Frank
• Anne Vandersteel
• Seth Keshel
• Born to Ride for 45
Since most voters never get a chance to really know candidates, I have sought and obtained several endorsements. Most importantly, the OFFICIAL Republican Party of Lake County has endorsed my campaign. Two Republican clubs in Lake County which are chartered by other organizations than the Republican Party of Florida have endorsed me. The nationally known Mike Lindell has endorsed my campaign. Also, Anthony Sabatini, often known as the most conservative Representative in the Florida State House, a current and former candidate for US Congress and current Chair of the Lake County Republican Party, has formally endorsed me. Laura Loomer, a two time former candidate for US Congress and independent journalist, has endorsed me. Seth Keshel, a nationally known statistician who has been analyzing the 2020 Presidential election and publicly explaining his results across the country, has endorsed me. Finally, Drain the Swamp PAC has endorsed me, relying on recommendations from voters in my district.

• Cleanup voter registrations
• Hand count November 2024 ballots
• Better poll staff management
• Better hiring, training, supervision
• Better transparency to citizens
• Lobby for better election legislation
My plan for action once I am in office includes several factors. The top priority will be cleanup of Lake County voter rolls. I know for a fact that there are illegitimate registrations. Some of these may be legitimate voters who merely need to update their records. But, there are some that I know are deceased or moved out of state.
Secondly, I plan to conduct a hand count of the November 2024 ballots, beginning in January 2025. This will show that the computers have produced an accurate count and record of voting – or not. It will be indisputable, as the counting will be video recorded and the results will be published.
Based on my experience as a poll watcher, published news reports and from discussions with poll workers and others, I believe that poll staffing can be improved in several ways: hiring, training, and supervision. My decades of experience in business, both as an owner and as an employee, have developed my ability to detect and remedy staffing and training deficiencies.
A part of administering a government office is responding to citizens. It is my intent to make the Supervisor of Elections office under my leadership more responsive to citizen requests for action and information.
As a part of fulfilling my responsibility to the citizens of Florida, I will be continuously lobbying the Secretary of State, the Governor and the State Legislature for improvements in Florida’s election law.

• More than opponent
2024 is a difficult year to collect donations of any type. But, I have accumulated more than twice the number of campaign donors as my incumbent opponent. This is significant, as he served both in the Florida House and Senate before his stint in the current office – 20 years in elected office.

• Many
Due to my continuous and consistent conservative political activism, I have accumulated a fairly large group of campaign volunteers – more than 2 dozen.

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