My Christian Experience
It’s far too easy for any politician to say, “Yes. I am Christian.” But, you should look for evidence.
I will show you my faith by my works
~ James 2:18
Tom Vail speaks at New Life Baptist Church in Leesburg, FL
On June 16, 2024, Tom Vail was invited to speak at New Life Baptist Church in Leesburg, FL. The message was intended to remind all Christians that we have a duty to fight evil in our society, in our government and in politics. We cannot abandon civic life and allow evil to reign unchecked.
Specifically mentioned in the talk as 2 Chronicles 7:14, which reminds God’s people to repent in order to receive healing of their land. Also mentioned was Ephesians 6:12, which refers to spiritual battles. But, what is not clearly stated is that the evil works through people in earthly positions of power. Finally, James chapter 2, the principle message of which is: Faith without works is dead.
Tom Vail on Mull it Over Podcast
Should Christians be in Politics?
Pastor Richard Mull of Operation Light Force and Mull It Over Podcast, interviews Tom Vail and several other Christian/Political activists.
OCCUPY: Christian Leadership in the Community
In January 27, 2024, we held and event in Umatilla for the purpose of encouraging Pastors, Christians and Churches to become more involved in politics, society and government. I was the primary organizer, with the help of a few volunteers – and a LOT of help from above.
Look at the Event website to see the list of 17 Speakers, mostly Pastors, from around Florida and also from other states.
I hope you took some time to look at the Video Gallery. There is some interesting information there.
Also, you should look at the websites from the Speakers. LOTS of good information there.
My Testimony
I don't have a dramatic story. There was no great conversion. There was no depths of sadness and depression that I was saved from. There was no drug or alchohol addition. But, there were a few minor miracles along the way. I was raised Christian. From the time I...
My Trailer
I normally drag a trailer with me whereever I go. It is one of my most popular campaign advertising platforms. On the rear, however, is something completely different.
Read carefully.
My Bible
My Baptism
My wife and I were baptized together in a public park.