No matter the date, no matter the name of the event, July 4 is OUR Independence Day. Our Nation was founded on the Principle of Individual Liberty. We have been the MOST FREE Nation on Earth for more than TWO CENTURIES! We celebrate this fact every year with fireworks and barbecues. But, we often forget the true meaning of this important holiday. Our forefathers fought off the tyranny of the British Crown, many giving their lives in the process.
July 4 has been celebrated as the Birth of our Nation because of the creation, adoption and publication of OUR Declaration of Independence. This document begins with a sentence containing the phrase “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” We are born free people. Our Freedom was declared based on a belief in an almighty God, and that WE are HIS people.
Declaration of Independence
The closing sentence reads: “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” This reaffirms the importance of God in the Creation and Guidance of our Nation. Perhaps more importantly, it confirms that the authors and signers of the Declaration KNEW that they might have to sacrifice ALL in defense of this Declaration, and that they were ready to sacrifice their lives and fortunes to do so. We must never forget.
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