The Supervisor of Elections in Florida is a County level office, assigned the stutory duties to register voters and to conduct elections.  These duties are strictly defined by statute, yet there remains a wide latitude for the performance of these duties.

As your Supervisor of Elections in Lake County, I promise to do the following:

  • closely monitor the work of VR systems, including website management, election night reporting, and campaign finance reporting
  • audit the financial records of the last eight years of the SOE office
    publicly post the budget of the SOE office
  • hand count ballots
  • ensure the security and accuracy of all the computers used in our election systems
  • encourage the maximum amount of poll watchers – from all parties, all candidates and all citizens
  • encourage citizens s to participate in the operations and duties of the SOE
  • encourage all Political Parties to participate as poll workers
  • be as open as possible with answers to public records requests
  • provide answers to public records requests at the minimum possible cost, and FREE whenever possible
  • improve hiring, training, staffing
  • improve public outreach, notifying citizens of election information and election law
  • clean the voter registration rolls using every possible resource
  • monitor every new voter registration for accuracy and eligibility
  • pay for FSE dues and event attendance with personal money, rather than taxpayer funds

[VR Systems is a private company which provides election services to Election Supervisors in Florida, six other states and the District of Columbia].

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